8 Shocking and Eye-opening Facts about Smoking

Believe it or  not smoking is a curse, not only for the smoker but for his family too. Smoking claims over 10,000 lives every hour round the world. Cigarette, Cigar, Water pipe(Hookah or Shisha) are some of the major forms of smoking.

facts about smoking

Why is smoking dangerous?

Cigarette, Cigar and all other forms of tobacco make the smoker addictive of tobacco and its very difficult to get rid of smoking once you are addicted to it. A cigarette or any form of tobacco has thousands of chemicals, poisons and side effects which we’ll explain below.

What’s in a Cigarette?

Some reports say there are about 4000 dangerous and harmful chemicals in a cigarette while according to wikipedia, there may be over 7000 chemicals in a cigarette. Majority of these chemicals are toxic and over 50 of them can cause cancer. Some major chemicals are given below:

Nicotine: Major cause of addiction towards smoking. Harmful to heart, and causes blood pressure and cardiovascular diseases.

Tar: Another harmful chemical which produces from a burning cigarette and it damage lungs, teeth, gums and effects taste buds.

Carbon Monoxide: It is a toxic gas which can be harmful to humans when used in large amounts.

Urea: It is used to add some taste to the cigarette, but generally urea is one of the major components found in urine.

Lead: It is a toxic chemical and is used in construction materials, batteries and bullets. It can effect almost all the systems of human body.

Benzene, Chromium, Ammonia, Acrolein, hydrogen cyanide, sulphur dioxide, polonium and 70 other cancer causing chemicals are present in a cigarette.

8 shocking and eye-opening facts about smoking:



  • There are over 1.22 billion smokers in the world which means about 16.5% the whole world population is addictive to smoking.
  • Sugar is one of the major components added in a cigarette; therefore for diabetes patients it is more dangerous and harmful than any other person.
  • Heart attack, pancreatic cancer, lung cancer, mouth cancer, strokes, high blood pressure and many other diseases are gifted by smoking or chewing tobacco.
  • There is enough amount of nicotine in 5 cigarettes to kill a human if it is chewed.
  • Smoking is not only harmful to smoker but to second-hand smoker too as the smoke itself has more than 50 chemicals that causes cancer.
  • Many people says, only cigarette can cause damage to human body in different ways, but the fact is that pipe, water pipe, cigars, hand-made roller are also harmful.
  • Another bad aspect of smoking is bad breathe, pale fingers and teeth and a wrinkled face.
  • Smoking is a gateway to other bad habits and drugs as majority of the  drugs are used through cigarettes.

We are hopeful that many of our readers and visitors will quit smoking after reading this post. Share the post with your loved ones too to keep them aware of its dangers.
